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  My (Slow) Journey to a Non-Toxic Lifestyle My curiosity about non-toxic living was peaked when one of my daughters swapped her household and some self-care products out for "cleaner" options in an effort to help with fertility.  Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are found in many every day products such as personal care and household items and can cause a wide range of health problems, including: Reproductive issues: EDCs can cause infertility, early puberty, and abnormalities in sex organs.  Cancer: EDCs have been linked to hormone-related cancers.  Metabolic issues: EDCs can disrupt metabolism and lead to obesity and diabetes.  Cardiovascular issues: EDCs can cause cardiovascular disease.  Immune issues: EDCs can diminish the immune response to vaccines.  Neurological issues: EDCs can alter nervous system function and cause neurodevelopmental disorders. Behavioral issues: EDCs can cause behavioral problems.  EDCs can be natural or synthet...

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