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My Experience with Being Sober Curious

I have been living alcohol-free for the past 10 years.  I took part in a challenge during October of 2014 and I never looked back. Prior to my decision to “hit pause” on my drinking, I had felt for a long time that I didn’t have good boundaries with alcohol. I found myself with headaches and regrets too often. I had a bad wine habit. I would wake up most mornings and tell myself that I would not drink that evening. However, I never kept that promise to myself. I didn’t drink enough in the evenings to not function, and I always showed up the next day, but I see now that I wasn’t truly present when I was drinking. It was during an October challenge that I decided to give up alcohol for 60 days. Before the challenge I questioned where I fell on the “healthy/non-healthy” alcohol drinking spectrum.  Although I did not have a text-book addiction to alcohol, left unchecked, I did lean towards blurred lines when it came to my relationship with drinking. The challenge I signed up for c

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