Day 2 of My Social Media Fast

 I missed posting yesterday. I would think  of things that I  wanted to share with my community and then I was like, "Oh yeah, I am  not posting." It quicklyy then  became an, "Ahhhhhhhhh, that is nice to have a break" thought and each time this happened I redirected myy thoughts to God and asked Him to fill my mind. My mind went to God way more yesterday than possibly ever. Which was the point. 

I did miss my community though. I realize that I LOVE serving my friends by trying to share the real ups and downs of trying to consistently living a healthy, consistent, and disciplined life. 

I did not skip a beat yesterday. It was a fear of my that without the ultimate accountability partner (Instagram) I might feel less inspired. I didn't feel less inspired. I felt more like I was doing it all for me...just me....which was refreshing for a beat. My ministry is to share and lead and inspire, so it's not meant to be a forever private thing but for the next 39 days it feels cool to be riding solo. Doing the work for me alone....and including God in more of my journey as I go.


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