Day 3 of My Social Media Fast
Come near to God and He will come near to you. James 4:8
So far so good. I have only felt slight pulls to check in on some of my favorite people and accounts on Instagram. Ultimately, I feel free.
I am checking-in on Facebook each day as that is where my FWTFL accountability group is. I go on and get off. Tempting as it may be when I see that someone has posted something new to click on it, I have not. I do my fitness check-in and click off and immediately. Habits. Forming habits.
New habits. I have added another layer of written journaling to this fasting journey/my daily routine. Free writing (dumping), gratitude, and affirmations.
I do feel that when I want to reach for my phone in those moments where I feel bored I am turning to something more sustaining...and I am talking with God more. Come near to God and He will come near to you.
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