Day 2 Post 2023 BODi Summit

 Today I sat in on a call with Erin Hopkins and Kristina Delgado in the Top Partner Take Over on BODi Basics. They challenged us to become a Diamond by July 20th (3 weeks) and a 2 Star by December 31st.

I realized today that I don't ever want to be in a position where I am "restarting" my business. I don't want to lose momentum. Ever. Even when it gets hard or life pushes back on me.

Erin told us that this business is built on ENERGY and BELIEF. Every day we must invite challengers and every day we must invite partners to our team. Everyday.

Erin also mentioned that they are looking for the next domino. The partner that is going to topple first and then turn and help everyone else. Erin said she has FOMO. She doesn't want to be left behind.

Erin went on to say that they are looking for partners that are fricken' ready to link arms! I want to link arms and I want to be the domino!

I want to be able to say that on June 27th I went after my dream. I stepped over the line that I drew in the sand.

Erin told us that achieving Diamond gives "legitimacy" and that 2 Star gives financial gain/impact.

One Star gives "street cred" to our viewers, corporate and the higher ranked partners. You get to start rubbing elbows with higher up people at 1 Star.

Erin said to make spouse "one leg" and make sure that he stays an "Emerald".

We are to add our tracker to the thread each day.

We need to share with others/our challengers that the best part of being a partner is being able to "pay forward" everything that we know about BODi and the success and lifestyle change that we have experienced. It helps us be accountable on our own journey. You simply say, " I LOVE this and YOU will love this and your friends will LOVE this!

Every day we need to get in Back Office and write down who is ACTIVE. And then we need to write down who is INACTIVE. Write down who I want to go with me to Summit. Notice who is paying $15.95 and not active. Consider helping them to exit. We need to look out for each other and we don't want people wasting their money.

All I need to do is sign uo 12 people as Partners! 12! By July 20th!

Today I DID my Vital Behaviors! Tomorrow I will do them again.



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