Wednesday - A Good Ol' Hump Day

I have been living somewhere in between a routine and a daily existence that doesn't feel like my own.

I don't know quite how to put it into words but the pandemic has everything feeling so off.

School starts nest week for E but it will not bring with it my usual ease back into what I once considered my return to normalcy after summer vacation. E will be schooling from home and J will continue to work from home. I am happy that we will all be remaining as safe as possible and doing our part to slow the spread of covid-19 in our community but my mind so badly wants to shift into a gear of familiarity and comfort.

There is no familiarity or (true) comfort these days. 

I continue daily to try and control what I can, stretch myself and try to do some growing and then I try to give the rest to God! I am really trying to do all of those things, my own little trifecta of "daily life during a pandemic", but it is hard. I am living with a constant pit in my stomach. It's not a huge pit, just a little one, a nagging one. I know, we all have it, it's part of living in a world that seems to have gone crazy.

I know will reagin our healthy momentum soon. I know it's coming. I want to be ready. I don't want to waster away any days between now and then. I want to make the most of each minute but sometimes I feel like I am just wasting away the days. But I am not. I know that. I was meant to live in this time and place. All of the crazy happening now is a purposeful part of my story.

Silver lining for the day: I am healthy! My loved ones are healthy! That is enough for today!


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