Thinking of Myself Less

I have a goal for myself this week. My goal is to think of myself less.

I don't plan to think less of myself (as in negative thoughts of myself); I simply hope to spend less time thinking about ME!

My hope is to find ways to replace my thoughts about me with thoughts about others.

I am going to try and chase out and replace self-centered thoughts with thoughts of how to help or reach out to another.

One self-less thought per day. One self-less act per day.

It sounds so easy but giving generously of myself is hard. It is easier to just take care of myself and to stay in my lane. However, this is not want God wants for me. He doesn't want my thoughts to be self-centered and all tied up in self-identity. I believe I am called to look for ways to care for others, to search out and use my resources for the good of others.

It's Monday. It is a great day to start the week on the right foot, a different foot.

Silver lining for the day: I got out of bed a bit earlier this morning. I have a bit of a head start on what I hope to be a beautiful day!


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