The Show Must Go On
School will be starting back up again next month.
I am not thrilled as I have become so accustomed to having my daughter home safe and sound. Our days are easy. The mornings are slow and the evenings are carefree.
I know that a never ending summer is not realistic. I know the students need to get back to the classroom and to being social.
It is just going to be such a weird adjustment. I always feel bit wonky at the end of summer as I shift into school mode but this year will be especially wonky...for all of us!
I am going to guess that it takes a few weeks to reacquaint ourselves with our old schedules? I am going to allow myself until after Labor Day to get my groove back on.
In so many ways I am sad to see our time of quarantine coming an end. I would be feeling 100% different if covid-19 had been eradicated or if we had a vaccine and therapeutics ready to go. Then we could all take a deep breath and let out a big old sigh and say, "Yes! Coronavirus
is behind us! We did it! Let's move on!" But it's not that way. We are going back to living outside of our homes and doing what used to be normal activities when everything is not normal yet.
I don't know. It's just weird.
It will all play out though. It's happening. We are marching forward.
It will be fine. The show must go on.
Silver lining for the day: I have a package on my porch waiting for me. I thinks it's a new vacuum but I am hoping it's something more fun that I forgot I ordered?
I am not thrilled as I have become so accustomed to having my daughter home safe and sound. Our days are easy. The mornings are slow and the evenings are carefree.
I know that a never ending summer is not realistic. I know the students need to get back to the classroom and to being social.
It is just going to be such a weird adjustment. I always feel bit wonky at the end of summer as I shift into school mode but this year will be especially wonky...for all of us!
I am going to guess that it takes a few weeks to reacquaint ourselves with our old schedules? I am going to allow myself until after Labor Day to get my groove back on.
In so many ways I am sad to see our time of quarantine coming an end. I would be feeling 100% different if covid-19 had been eradicated or if we had a vaccine and therapeutics ready to go. Then we could all take a deep breath and let out a big old sigh and say, "Yes! Coronavirus
is behind us! We did it! Let's move on!" But it's not that way. We are going back to living outside of our homes and doing what used to be normal activities when everything is not normal yet.
I don't know. It's just weird.
It will all play out though. It's happening. We are marching forward.
It will be fine. The show must go on.
Silver lining for the day: I have a package on my porch waiting for me. I thinks it's a new vacuum but I am hoping it's something more fun that I forgot I ordered?
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