
Lately I have been running a bit lukewarm in all I do. I am not fully committed to anything and my quiet time with the Lord has been compromised. 

My mind is all over the place. First thing in the morning, when my thinking should be fresh and renewed, I find my brain being immediately divided into reading about and sorting through politics, my email, social media, my to do list, my devotionals and the Bible. Everything in my brain s watered down and my thoughts are not complete and they run together.

I don't want to be lukewarm. I don't want to live in the gray. I want to be present. I want to be "all in".

I mostly want to be "all in" in and present in my pursuit of God. 

Tomorrow I am going try something different. I am going to find a new place for my devotionals. Away from distractions. It's time to try something new. 

I don't want to be lukewarm. Especially when it comes to God.

Silver lining for the day: It's going to be another 100 degree day...but I am blessed with air conditioning!


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