Future Posting Direction

Interestingly enough, this morning I discovered that my two most viewed posts on this blog have been "Making it Through the Coronavirus Alcohol-Free" and "A Zoom with Beth Moore".

I didn't know that my blog was calculating my post views or that I had viewers reading my posts.

It does not surprise me one bit though that someone might be Googling "alcohol-free during the pandemic" and "Beth Moore".

Both are good subjects in my opinion.

Self-care building and spiritual building.

I am going to spend some time trying to post a bit more on these two subjects (self-care and spirituality) and how they are currently working and not working in my life. Both are so necessary right now. Both are vital in my opinion.

Speaking of self care - online Bar Method class is in ten minutes and I am not ready! Gotta run!

Silver lining for the day: It's Friday!


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