All Is Well

All is well. I have only become way too last with my writing.

My time disappears each day. I don't feel I am wasting time. My minutes are well spent. But there aren't enough.

I am not willing to sacrifice rest and that is where I am falling short. Rest and exercise monopolize about four hours of my day. Imagine if I was using that time for writing!

This is where the 5:00 AM club could be very beneficial. Actually the 4:30 AM club. I am a morning person. Give me a pot of coffee and a comfy robe and I can do stuff! THIS should be my writing time. It's not going to happen on it's own. I must make it happen!

I have been waiting around for motivation and we all know how that usually works out! Motivation doesn't come on it's own! It must be sought out.

All is well. But all could be better!

Silver lining for the day: It's a cloudy, drizzly day. I love days like today! Especially during a hot summer!


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