A New Week

It is a new week during the pandemic.

A fresh start.

A Monday.

My daughter does not have anything to do to keep her busy this week - no summer school and no dance so I am a bit worried about how she will occupy her time.

With coronavirus cases on the ride I am rally reluctant to fill some of her time with friends this week. Even pool visits feel a bit risky. I just kind of want to take a week off from people and exposure if and where possible.

I just don't want to get the virus. I really don't. I mean, I know that no one does, but I really don't! Funny thing is that one of my silliest concerns about covid-19 is losing my sense of smell and taste! My most serious concern is that anyone I love should have to be isolated in a hospital where I can't get to them to hug them or tell them it's going to be ok.

On a happier note I am wearing my brightest workout top - a bright and happy yellow!

We have a new refrigerator! And with the arrival of a new refrigerator we moved the old one to the garage which forced us to give the garage a good cleaning yesterday. I love a project that shows results!

It's time to get on with this week. I pray the Lord provides us with activity and safety and makes this 4th of July week a week to remember - in a good way!

Silver lining for the day: I maintained a decent weight despite pizza and ice cream this weekend! We are back on the clean eating bandwagon in hopes of some yummy treats during the upcoming holiday 3-day weekend!


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