Thinking Ahead
I have found myself the past couple of days thinking about what it is going to be like when the Shelter in Place is lifted and we slowly start to make our way back into the world.
As an introverted extrovert - I am a little nervous.
I lean more towards being an introvert so being away from people and social commitments hasn't been as challenging for me as it might be for someone who truly craves and needs social connection for their energy. I energize just fine alone.
I also lean towards being a little bit of a worrier so having my people home or knowing that they are all safe in their homes has been very comforting!
I have a feeling my husband will be the first to venture back out as businesses start to open. I will miss him not having to commute and the earlier dinner hour we have been able to establish. I will miss hearing his voice coming from the other room when he is on a conference call and knowing that he is safe.
I have a feeling school won't be starting back up again for the 2019-2029 academic year so I don't think I will have to worry about dropping my daughter off at school. I think that if I did have to drop her off in the next few weeks it would be really heavy on my heart and I would miss her terribly.
I have enjoyed the "cozy" that Shelter in Place has provided me.
Honestly, I know we have to get back out there! We have to boost our economy back up and we have to get back to fellowship! But I am not ready.
I think that the affect that the coronavirus has played on me will show itself more upon my return to real life. It gives my stomach a weird feeling when I think about it. The world seems different out there seems sort of scary. I can't really name it or describe the exact feeling I have about it all but it's a unique one.
I imagine that I need to be thinking ahead and mentally preparing myself for what it is going to look like when the country opens back up and when my people scatter. I need to get excited for all of the good that is going to happen and how we are going to be so much stronger as individuals and as a society post-coronavirus.
If I don't start looking at all of the positive aspects of having lived through a pandemic and having faith that it's all going to be ok, I think I might really struggle.
Silver lining for the day: Crockpot is going!
As an introverted extrovert - I am a little nervous.
I lean more towards being an introvert so being away from people and social commitments hasn't been as challenging for me as it might be for someone who truly craves and needs social connection for their energy. I energize just fine alone.
I also lean towards being a little bit of a worrier so having my people home or knowing that they are all safe in their homes has been very comforting!
I have a feeling my husband will be the first to venture back out as businesses start to open. I will miss him not having to commute and the earlier dinner hour we have been able to establish. I will miss hearing his voice coming from the other room when he is on a conference call and knowing that he is safe.
I have a feeling school won't be starting back up again for the 2019-2029 academic year so I don't think I will have to worry about dropping my daughter off at school. I think that if I did have to drop her off in the next few weeks it would be really heavy on my heart and I would miss her terribly.
I have enjoyed the "cozy" that Shelter in Place has provided me.
Honestly, I know we have to get back out there! We have to boost our economy back up and we have to get back to fellowship! But I am not ready.
I think that the affect that the coronavirus has played on me will show itself more upon my return to real life. It gives my stomach a weird feeling when I think about it. The world seems different out there seems sort of scary. I can't really name it or describe the exact feeling I have about it all but it's a unique one.
I imagine that I need to be thinking ahead and mentally preparing myself for what it is going to look like when the country opens back up and when my people scatter. I need to get excited for all of the good that is going to happen and how we are going to be so much stronger as individuals and as a society post-coronavirus.
If I don't start looking at all of the positive aspects of having lived through a pandemic and having faith that it's all going to be ok, I think I might really struggle.
Silver lining for the day: Crockpot is going!
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