Moving Home

We have been living in a temporary rental home for the past 30 days.

In January our home had water damage to the wood floors from an undetected water heater leak.

We planned reconstruction to our wood flooring for March thinking it would be good timing as part of March would be spring break and we would be on vacation.

The move-out required the house to be completely emptied as we have wood flooring that runs through the entire house - closets included. All of the flooring had to be torn up and replaced therefore every bit of furniture, clothing and belongings had to be moved out and stored at a storage unit for the duration of the project. A pain? Yes. But it had to be done.

We moved into a rental home on March 3rd and prepared to go to Seaside, Florida as soon as school got out for spring break. As I prepared for the trip by making a Target run for vacation necessities I found I was unable to buy the small packages of Clorox wipes located in the travel-sized aisle of the store. There was also no hand sanitizer. I was forced to buy a big tub of Clorox wipes and use baggies to make my own travel-sized packages. Thank goodness I bought the larger container of wipes because we are still using that tub. I wish I would have bought more! Luckily we all had hand sanitizer in our travel bags from prior trips.

We left for Seaside on Friday, March 6th. The coronavirus was being talked about on the news a bit more than in previous days but there were no alarms going off as to the seriousness that was looming just around the corner. The airport was eerily quiet for a Friday at the beginning of spring break. Once we boarded the plane, we wiped down our plane seats and trays really well. We typically do this on flight so it was nothing new for us. What was different on this flight in regard to sanitation was that the flight attendants came around before the flight took off to collect towel wipes from passengers as everyone was wiping down their seats. People who probably didn't normally take such measures were being more diligent about getting rid of any germs in their personal space.

We had a wonderful time in Seaside although we remained a bit on edge, we were hearing more and more about coronavirus. People in the grocery store were talking about it and we were becoming more informed about it through the nightly news. The virus was in the United States but we were still mostly hearing about how it was taking down Italy. We attended a church service while in Seaside on Sunday, March 8th. It was the first week that the church implemented no shaking of hands during the "peace be with you". We did still go up to the altar for communion. The following weekend our churches were closed in an effort to practice social distancing which required us to stay 6 feet away from others at all times.

By the end of our trip on Thursday, March 12th, we felt we were getting out of Florida just in time and were slightly fearful of having to enter an airport and fly home on a plane. We broke out the hand sanitizer and were very aware of wiping down the chairs we sat in at the airport and on the plane. We were also concerned about what we were going home to as we heard that the grocery stores were starting to get cleaned out and that toilet paper was hard to come by.

In addition to the stress of returning home from a vacation during the beginning of a pandemic, we didn't have the comfort of going "home" as we were headed back to the rental home where we would spend our first few weeks of living through the covid-19 crisis.

The rental home was good to us. It was comfortable, bright and clean. However it wasn't home.

Today we return to the comfort of our own home. Our neighborhood! Our beds and belongings!

I pray today will be a good day!

Silver lining for the day: It's a rainy day and I love being home on rainy days!


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