Letter To Self When I Find Myself In A Funk

Dear Kari,

Good morning! I hope that you woke up this morning with a renewed sense of hope and curiosity about what the day might bring for you!

I get in funks from time to time! I've come to see them like the ocean - they ebb and they flow. Sometimes they roll in and sometimes the push out! I don't fight them anymore because they always, always go away eventually.

I try to just live in and through my funks and do my best self care work at that time. A long (solo) walk is a good cure for me. Drinking my daily quota of water (can't stay too funky if you are rushing to the bathroom all day). Getting myself organized helps me a lot too! I love a notepad and a pen (the cuter the better). Making a plan for myself the night before and having it in writing - even during quarantine days helps me have a plan for my day. I don't pack it in on my lists - I leave room to breath and ALWAYS room for a nap! I find "time-blocking" to be super effective too!

Starting my day with God has also really lessened my funky days! I spend about 20 minutes per morning - I try VERY hard to stay away from email or social media or any distraction until I've read my Bible. I do have coffee! I know Beth Moore says she doesn't have her coffee until after her time with God! I'd love to get there....goals!

One of my saving graces during these past several weeks of covid-19 is that Bar Method has offered a class every day online either at 9:30 AM or 10:45 AM. Knowing that I have to show up on-time if I want to take the class LIVE has helped give structure to my mornings! 

I also treated myself to a pair of AirPods (Jeff and Ella already had them but I had been holding out for myself!) and in addition to a barre class, I go for at least a 30 minute walk where I listen to a podcast! 

You didn't ask for my help....I got wordy....but I love ya and I know the funky feeling all too well!

Go get the day, Kari and own it like a boss! Just pick one or two things to do today and do those two things FABULOUSLY! 

Love you!



Silver lining for the day: I have good, sweet and Godly friends!


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