Late Start On Chores

I woke up this morning at 6:45 AM and was unable to immediately make my bed because my daughter was in it! A loud storm brought her into my bed last night and she was still sleeping when my alarm went off.

I came out to the kitchen to start the coffee pot and realized that the dishwasher hadn't run last night.

Already, at 6:50 AM,  I felt a bit out of control, a bit out of the ordinary. Even weeks into Shelter-in-Place I am still pretty committed to a schedule for my days. Covid-19 hasn't taken that from me...yet!

I love being able to cross emptying the dishwasher and making the bed off of my To Do List by 8:00 AM. It makes me feel on top of things to have a couple of tasks taken care of early. But not today, today has already started off differently. And that is OK.

God had a different plan for my morning today. Ever so slightly, my routine has shifted by no fault/scheduling of my own. Is there any meaning in these two delayed tasks? Probably not, except for maybe God simply telling me to slow down and that it is ok to get off the strict routine boat once in a while.

All right, I am off to make my bed and start the laundry. The dishwasher won't be finished running for another hour! Ugh!

Silver lining for the day: Easy Spring Pasta Carbonara recipe for dinner!


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