I Have Nothing

I feel like I have nothing to write about today.

I went to bed thinking about the fact that I would have nothing to write about today.

The truth is that I have a ton to write about if I dig deep enough but I don't really feel like going there today.

My day feels full. How can that be? We are quarantined to our homes. How can my day actually feel busy?

I suppose if you are the kind of person that likes to be busy (despite complaining about it), then you will find a way to have a long to do list even in the middle of a pandemic. I guess that is me. I am the busy complainer.

And just like in my pre-covid-19 days, when my days would get busy, my desire to write was the first thing to go.

I feel like I am trying to find ways to avoid writing now. It's the easiest thing to cross off of my to do list.  However, I am not going to let writing slip by the way side. Although my writing practice is easy to move aside until later or not at all, it is also one of the most rewarding and satisfying things I can do for myself. I am going to continue to show up here on this blogger page and even if I have nothing to say, I am going to say that.

The uncertainty of how the coronavirus is going to affect us here in the states is unknown and daunting. It seems life is not going to go back to normal until either everyone has had the virus or been vaccinated. That is a hard pill to swallow. How can that be? What does that look like?

I think this knowledge about the future is why I keep a daily (full) list for myself. Keep busy. Move forward as much as possible. And for goodness sake, keep writing!

Silver lining for the day: I have a computer that works!


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