He Has Risen! He Has Risen Indeed!

He Has Risen! He Has Risen Indeed!

I love that saying! So much!

I woke up early this morning to hide the Easter eggs for my daughter's egg hunt. No matter her age I can't help myself. She seems to still love it and I love doing it! I dropped off baskets to my adult children yesterday. We stayed six feet apart, I put the baskets outside of the car and when they came out, we waved to each other.

It's a stormy morning and there is a small chance of continued showers during the early part of the day. So, this is what Easter Sunday looks like during a pandemic. The quieting of the morning and the day to come surely allows more time to ponder the glory of the event! Jesus rose from the dead so that we might believe! And believe I do!

Today we will attend a virtual Mass with family back home. We will attend our home parish. After mass we will attempt a family Zoom. It will be a large crowd so we will see how it goes. It might be messy. Just like our family. Messy. But seeing faces will be nice. And my parents will love it!

We have some yummy food to eat. We are grilling out BBQ ribs and we'll make some good sides to go along with the meal. And of course dessert. And easter candy.

It is going to be a sweet day!

He Has Risen! He Has Risen Indeed! And covid-19 can't take that from us!

Silver lining for the day: Ice-cream delivery! I broke down and had my first "take-out" delivery last night. I've had groceries delivered but not already prepared food. I am an ice-cream lover and we were out so I had some delivered. Some people have tacos and queso delivered. Me? Ice-cream!


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