The Best Way To Start The Day

This morning I diverted from my normal routine.

I woke up on time. I made the bed. I started the coffee. I poured myself a cup of coffee. And I sat down with my daily devotionals and my Bible. However, I didn't open my books and dive in like I normally do.

I got side tracked.

I opened up my computer and checked my email in box.

I looked at updates on the coronavirus in my county.

I started thinking of food needs we might have down the road.

I placed a Costco order.

I then placed an Ulta order for a hair mask I have been wanting to purchase.

My morning devotional time had gotten away from me and before I knew it I was heading out the door for a walk. I was unarmed for the day as I had not filled my mind and heart with God's Word.

Sure enough, fear and anxiety started to fuel my mind as I went about my morning walk and chores. I felt unease settling into my bones. A text from a family member about the current state of the country rattled me a bit more than it might have otherwise had I opened my Bible this morning and started the day feeling assured of God's promise to take care of me.

Lesson learned. I must start my day with God's Word. The hope and encouragement it gives me is  undoubtedly the best way to start the day. Every day.

Silver lining for the day: I put on my Levis and they still fit! The top button is digging into my belly a bit but I am taking the stairs two at a time every time I go up them in the hopes of stretching my jeans out!


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