My Writing Springboard on the Eve of the First Day of Spring 2020

If I had kept thinking any longer of what would be the best way to begin this blog, not only would I have been losing precious days of writing, but it might never have happened. And for me personally, that would have been a shame.

I have been trying for days, months and years to get back to a regular writing schedule. I classify myself as a very unartistic person. However, I like to write and through my writing I feel creative.

We are in the early days of covid-19 and "social distancing" in the United States. We are figuring out as we go what that looks like in our communities and our daily lives. If upon reading this you are already sick with covid-19 or you have a loved one that is or will be affected by the virus, I am so sorry.

As we are forced to shut down our lives as we knew them prior to covid-19, we are seeing a surge in encouragement, good will, (mostly) appropriate humor and creativity in both the public and private lives of all individuals. Businesses are getting creative on how to help their customers and people are getting creative on how to mentally and physically survive this new life style that we didn't see coming and didn't plan for.

I believe good can come out of bad. I believe that when we come out of this on the other side we will be changed people and a changed nation. I hope those changes stick. Meanwhile, I think it would be a shame to come out of this period in time and realize that we wasted away the days while we were forced in a holding pattern.

All that being said, I knew I had to start this blog ASAP despite the fact that I didn't have a creative "first post" or "title" for the post! This post is my "springboard" and from it I hope to begin a fresh and new journey of writing!

I plan to visit this space every day of the foreseeable future! Happy First Day of Spring Eve!


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