And Just Like That, Monday Will Arrive

My day started a bit later than normal. I stayed up a bit later and slept in a bit later.

I can't say that it felt great. I felt behind the eight ball from the moment I was out of bed.

I know I need to work on this, but right now, when I can't control what is happening around me, I feel the need to control what is happening within me. And what this looks like for me is controlling my days and my hours.

After coffee and my devotional time, Jeff and I went for a walk. Fresh air, calorie burning and saying hello to neighbors at a distance felt good - not normal - but good.

We watched an on-line church service and received a dose of God. There were many take-aways from the service but what grabbed me the most was this:

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.

-By John Wesley

We are now preparing a Sunday brunch - eggs, sausage and cinnamon rolls. We ate well
pre-covid-19 but the forced time indoors is definitely lending itself to meals that are a bit more well thought out and delicious! Even simple meals seem to be yummier when prepared slowly and thoughtfully.

I'm looking forward to a Sunday nap.

Dinner is turkey soup with leftover dessert.

We will finish the night with the news and a family movie.

And just like that, Monday will arrive.

Silver lining for today: At the end of this, all of our hair is going to be amazing! The lack of necessity for regular blow outs and hot irons is going to leave our hair long and lustrous!


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