Avocado Toast on Sunday

I try to eat an avocado every day.

I typically eat it over a bed of spinach or with eggs.

Today I went all out and had avocado toast! It was delicious! Bread!

Bread is so good.

Sometimes you just have to live on the wild side!

Speaking of wild, grocery shopping trips are getting more and more wild these days. My Target trip this morning was weird. The store felt weird and had a sad vibe. I had a strange experience. There were three bottles of rubbing alcohol on a shelf and three of us going for the three bottles. The woman leading took one. The man ahead of me turned around, looked at me, then turned back to the bottle and took two, leaving me none. I was shocked and said so. He didn't care. Even if he had realized his stupidity and offered one of them to me I wouldn't have taken it because well - coronavirus! But the nerve and selfishness! Take one and leave some for others! Jerk!

I came home, walked, showered, watched online church, FaceTimed my parents and ate avocado toast.

The house could use a wipe down and a vacuum but I think an afternoon movie snuggled up in a blanket sounds like more fun!

Silver lining for the day: My youngest daughter has started drinking an afternoon cup of tea with me! English Tea with a teaspoon of honey.


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